Twenty-one years ago after the back-to-back hurricanes of Frances and Jeanne ravaged Central Florida, a prayer breakfast in Vero Beach was organized at the city’s beautiful Riverside Park to spiritually unite the community. At that time,...
In 2007 , Ma rk Potok, s enior f ellow at the SPLC, explicitly stated in a speech that the purpose of the SPLC is not simply to monitor g roups they falsely label as “hate groups.”
Universities used to be a place where free speech and science were protected. But that was before leftists and LGBTQ mafia took over
Liberty Counsel sent a demand letter to the University System of New Hampshire (USNH) for infringing free speech by forcing a student to use personal pronouns in a newspaper article byline. Subsequently, the university apparently also...
In today’s culture where people are bombarded with messages that encourage promiscuity, Liberty Counsel is encouraging Christians to take a public stand for purity. The 21st annual Day of Purity is a campaign that encourages followers of...
HR 7, officially titled HR 7 , the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2025 , ” may be the single most important bill to be introduced in the 119th Congress.
In America, 1,500 to 2,500 precious unborn babies are killed in abortions per day. That’s nearly 20 percent of all pregnancies in the United States, not including miscarriages. So even though Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022, there’s still much work to do.
Pornography use among Christians, including pastors, has now surpassed the national average for Americans. Executive Director of Proven Ministries Nick Liberto shares his story as well as how this ministry is offering hope to others.
One of our greatest challenges is managing the influence of the mass media of entertainment on our children and grandchildren...
She watched two males steal 15 women’s state championship titles in track and field titles that were previously held by nine women…all because of a policy that allows male athletes to compete on girls’ and women’s sports teams.